About the Downtown Development Authority

Regular Meetings

The second Tuesday of every month

City Hall
21 North Avondale Plaza
Avondale Estates, GA 30002

Phone: 404-294-5400

*Meetings are being held via ZOOM during the COVID19 pandemic.  Visit the Avondale Estates’ calendar to find access links to meetings.

Agendas & Minutes

Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. Public comment guidelines are outlined here.

The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is comprised of seven members. Three members must be City residents, and four members must have a specific economic interest in the downtown area as business owners or operators. The members are appointed by the Board of Mayor and Commissioners and each serves four-year terms.

View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes.


The Avondale Estates Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was created in 2001 by local legislation enacted by the Georgia General Assembly.

Vision Statement
The City of Avondale Estates is a vibrant, growing community with a small town feel, which is inclusive of all residents, supports new and established businesses, and encourages quality and sustainable development.  The downtown will follow the holistic city plan first designed by George Willis with integrated transportation, passive and active recreation opportunities, extensive landscaping, and exceptional architecture maintaining the City’s unique sense of place.

Downtown Avondale Estates will be a unique pedestrian-oriented town center. New development will preserve and celebrate the City’s arts and cultural heritage and provide housing and destinations for shopping and services, all within an environment of tree-lined streets, pocket parks, and plazas.  A network of streets with wide sidewalks and bike facilities will provide safe connectivity throughout downtown and link it to MARTA and surrounding neighborhoods.

Mission Statement
The DDA/Main Street mission is to encourage redevelopment activities and provide assistance to private and public partners for the purpose of improving the downtown area.


The DDA is empowered under state law to:

  • Borrow money
  • Enter into contracts
  • Provide loans
  • Purchase property
  • Receive grants and gifts
  • Sell revenue bonds


Do you have a question or suggestion for the Downtown Development Authority?

Submit a Question


Dave Deiters, Chair

Leigh Lynch, Vice Chair

Tom Trocheck, Treasurer

Walter Barineau

Jennifer Joyner

Andrew Rutledge

Lisa Shortell


Meet The DDA Board Members

City Staff

Shannon Powell
Assistant City Manager & DDA Executive Director

Ellen Powell
Creative, Marketing and Communications Director
Main Street Manager

Adriana Holt
Marketing and Communications Coordinator